
Test your eyes

Eye test for Near vision

These problems often come with age, and you probably do not need a test to tell you if you have problems seeing things close up. For example, just try to read the newspaper once in a while….

Nevertheless, here is a test for you.

Place yourself 10-15″ from the screen.

Cover one eye with your hand, without pressing on the lid, and take the test. Cover the other eye and begin the test again.


“The purpose of this short exercise is to test your near vision.You need to consult a specialist if you have difficulties reading to the end of these lines.It simply means you need glasses. Don’t worry, it happens to all of us after the age of forty. It is called Presbyopia.”

If you have read the test as successfully with the right eye as with the left eye, you probably have good central acuity. If you do not manage to read all the letters, an eyesight check by an eye care specialist would appear necessary.


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