
There are a number of causes of reading difficulties in children and adults; learning disabilities like dyslexia or issues related to vision development. Many parents and teachers find this problem challenging and often feel ill equipped to address the issue. Early detection of reading difficulties is important. The following article outlines early signs which could lead to reading difficulties.

Once you have identified that your child may be exhibiting early signs of reading difficulties, the next step is to seek help in determining the cause. Ask yourself if your child is demonstrating all or some of the following behaviors:

A book is held very close to the eyes
The head moves back and forth while reading
Finger is used to trace lines in the book
Murmuring or silent moving of lips (subvocalization)
Complaints of blurring, double-vision, or headaches
Short attention span while reading, fatigues quickly
Child seems to read well, but has poor recall
Child avoids long books in favor of short pieces to read

If you see these types of behaviors your child may be having vision problems. It may be time to seek the assistance of a Behavioral Optometrist who can diagnose specific vision problems and prescribe a highly specialized course of Vision Therapy to develop efficient vision skills and processing. Dr’s Tod Davis OD, FCOVD and Amy Carlyle, OD, FAAO, Developmental Optometry and Vision Therapy Services have over 30 years of experience in diagnosing and treating vision related problems in the Northern Virginia area. Early detection and treatment can make a world of difference for you and your child.


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