
We decided to get him extra help through a tutor who had been Graham’s first grade teacher. The teacher’s son had gone through vision therapy and after working just two sessions with Graham, his tutor suggested that Graham have a more thorough eye exam. The “fix” wasn’t that he needed glasses but his eyes and focusing muscles needed help to work properly. After the initial test with Dr. Davis, we realized his major problem was that he was seeing double images.

Once he started vision therapy, he was given a prescription that relaxed his vision and helped him with near work. He has had amazing success and no longer has double vision. He’s getting all A’s and B’s, heads straight in to do his homework, no tears, and works through his assignments with less parental intervention. Graham’s confidence level has increased and he has a more positive outlook. He passed all 5th grade SOL’s. We couldn’t be happier with the results!”

-Graham W.’s Parents


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