I would like to tell you about how vision therapy helped me. At first, I did not like it and thought that it was not going to help. But the more I went to it, my grades kept getting higher. Most of the school year I kept my grades between A’s and B’s. I was hoping that since it helped me with my grades that it would help when I took my sol’s. Thankfully it helped a lot because I ended up passing both of my sol’s. I used to hate sitting and reading and used to also get really frustrated with homework. Now I love to sit down and read every day and do not get as frustrated with homework. I am not as nervous with test as I used to be. When summer finally came I was ready for it because I play baseball and that is my favorite game to play. When our first game came I was ready for that first pitch. As the season progressed my hitting kept getting better and better and I really think that it was from vision therapy. I am truly happy that I went to vision therapy and thank you for all that vision has for me to make my life a lot better in school and in sports.

– Mason

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