Dear Dr. Carlyle:

Thank you so much for your extremely effective work with our daughter, Kira, to significantly improve her Eye Tracking and Convergence vision issues.

When Kira was in 1st Grade, she could not learn to read, and we did not know why. She would cry during homework. Her eyes hurt and watered everyday at school. She began to not like school.

It was so puzzling, because Kira is a bright and happy child who loves to learn. The situation made Kira very sad, and it impacted the whole family. We didn’t know what to do.

Luckily, Kira’s teacher recommended that we see a Developmental Optometrist. So we came to your office for an evaluation.

We were grateful to find out what Kira’s vision challenges were – mainly Eye Tracking deficiencies with some Convergence problems – and that there was therapy that could help her. Because our insurance company classifies vision therapy as “experimental” and they would not pay for it, we called multiple references before committing to the process.

Every single family we called raved about how effective your therapy services were, so we started a year of Vision Therapy for Kira.

With a couple of months of starting Vision Therapy, Kira began reading signs when we were out – which she had never done before. She began learning to read, and she started to like to read.

Kira said that “the words are bigger now,” meaning that she could see them better.

By the end of a year of Vision Therapy at your office, Kira was reading On Grade Level. She felt more confident in her schoolwork, and she was much happier.

We also learned what accommodations Kira needed at school, such using a Tracking Tool and wearing prescription glasses for reading. Having the expertise of the Vision Therapy reports and advice made it easier to work with Kira’s teachers to promote her success at school.

It is such a relief to know that we have given Kira a good chance to succeed at school and in life through Vision Therapy.

Also, we appreciate how truly kind and positive you have been throughout the whole process. And Miss Lori was great, too! Kira often said that Vision Therapy was hard but fun.

Kira really enjoyed working with you, as did my husband and I. We can’t thank you enough!


June & Ed Tiller