Her eyes seemed more level and a bit straighter when she looked forward. She also started reading more. Now we are near the end of the third month and I have noticed she is more outgoing. During soccer, she participates more and plays harder at the game. One of the other kid’s parents said to me at the last game that Gracie is playing like a completely different kid compared to last season. Also, at her first brownie/girl scout troop meeting the other day she hung out with her friends and stood up to contribute in the presentation. One of the troop leaders said to me that Gracie is really coming along, as she previously kept pretty much to herself when she was in the daisy/girl scout troop which ended this past spring.
These are all very positive items and I believe are results mainly from her improved vision due to the vision therapy. I even asked her yesterday if this was the case and she said that yes it was!
Gracie does not like to speak about her eyesight, even to me. She still has a long way to go especially with her restricted movement to the left with her left eye and the pulling in of the same eye when she looks down. However, the initial results are wonderful and I hope and pray that her vision continues to improve with the vision therapy.
Regarding homework, I think she is ready to move on to the next level. We will continue to do some of the physical exercises for strength purposes as they are just good things to do in general.
Thank you so very much for helping Gracie. I believe her life will be much better because of vision therapy.
Best regards,
Tom V.“