I can fire Nerf guns with a lot more precision. Before I had vision therapy, I would rarely hit a target 10 or 15 feet away. Than after few weeks of vision therapy, I had a battle and I was hiding behind a slide on the playground. When I jumped out, I was able to dodge a bunch of bullets and I fired many times and only missed once. I can work for longer on a page of homework now. I can read music better, too.
George’s Mom:
Before George had therapy, he was unable to focus on a printed page of seatwork for more than 5 minutes before collapsing in frustration, and there was absolutely nothing that could induce him to keep working. When we discovered he had vision problems, we switched to memory work via audio for schoolwork, and greatly lightened his load in order to focus on things he enjoyed and was good at. He found he was really good at karate. One day about a month into therapy, he came to me with great excitement holding two blocks of wood and pointed out how they were exactly the same size. He said to me, “I never used to be able to cut something exactly in half! Now I can!” Now I can!” He also used to say he was too stupid for school. After a year in therapy, he has a lot more confidence, he is more easygoing and relaxed, and he doesn’t melt down (as badly) over trying something new. And it’s a real relief that he can take instruction on a new topic without a lot of fuss. I think his life would have been very different had he not been able to address his vision issues when we did.