Emily was always a good student and liked school. However, she had been having headaches, stomachaches, and would sometimes complain about having trouble seeing things. Our optometrist referred us to Dr. Tod Davis for vision therapy. We found out that she had been seeing double when reading, and struggled with tasks at school like copying from the board, and multiple-choice tests which required “filling in the bubbles” to give an answer. We later realized that she was compensating, getting notes from friends at school rather than copying from the board in order to maintain her grades.
I’m a family therapist and was interested in the research, so I was all for it. My husband, however, was a little skeptical about having Emily undergo the therapy. During the one year process, he asked at one point, “How do we know that this is really helping?” However, by the end of it, there was definitely a difference in Emily’s vision and we both were so glad that we had made the commitment to vision therapy.
After vision therapy, Emily is much more confident at school, especially in math where copying numbers had been a real challenge. Now that the convergence issue has been resolved, she is able to read much faster. She is now truly enjoying school and reading more. She occasionally uses her glasses at times when there is a lot of reading or computer work involved, but she rarely needs them anymore. Vision therapy has made a huge difference!