We started off like most parents when their children are having problems asking the questions ”What the heck can I do?” and “Why does no one know what is wrong with my child?” Looking back now, the solution was so easy but no one in the school or any of our friends knew anything about Vision Therapy.

The problems started compiling in 3rd Grade. We already knew that Courtney learned differently. We had to make up silly rhymes, sayings and games to have her remember facts. My favorite was and still is; It isn’t my rope it’s your-rope = Europe. After several meetings with teachers, vice principals and the school psychologist, who were all frustrated, we could all agree there was a “disconnect”, but no one knew how to fix it. That disconnect meant what she saw with her eyes, didn’t translate to her brain, or come out of her mouth correctly. If I asked her to spell the word “really” out loud, it came out correctly but asking her to write it came out “rilley”. She was consistent in her screw ups but still no answers.

When the time came for her annual eye exam, Courtney had never felt so frustrated in her life. We started with reading the smallest line, “I can’t see anything”, Courtney had said, so the doctor made the letters bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Tell me what you can read, “I can’t see anything”, so the doctor eventually isolated a letter, “I still can’t see it.” I step in and ask Courtney what direction the lines are going? “It’s an A”. The doctor than advised Courtney that she does not need glasses, what she really needs is Vision Therapy. I ask “Vision what?” We tried to get educated quickly but it isn’t easy finding information, let alone anyone who has ever heard of this Vision Therapy stuff.

After searching for a doctor and finding out that Vision Therapy isn’t covered, we found Dr. Carlyle. OMG, it was so easy to see Courtney’s eyes jerking as she followed the pointer up and around. One eye was moving faster than the other to cross her eyes in Dr. Carlyle exam. Hearing that the “disconnect” was something lots of kids had and could fix. Why had no one seen this before? Why did it take so long to find a way to fix the “disconnect”? We finally found someone who could give us all the answers we needed!!

Less than a year later and after lots of what looked like silly exercises, Courtney has gone from a C/D student to almost all A’s. She can finally read the Harry Potter books by herself, without any problems. The money spent was so worth it and we have the added bonus that Courtney can finally hit a softball too. We had doubts in the beginning; I fought with the pediatrician who wanted her tested for ADD instead of VT because it was something in medical journals. I still don’t understand how spinning around and watching a hula hoop helped, but it did. This was the best investment we have ever made.