Christina’s 4th grade teacher first recommended that she have an assessment when she noticed Christina was having trouble reading. Christina would start out reading one sentence and finish on another sentence. We were referred to a reputable pediatric optometrist who confirmed that Christina had convergence insufficiency. The optometrist recommended that we order a CD to work on twice each week, and that this should solve her problem. However, since Christina had had this problem for quite some time, I felt that I needed a second opinion. I spoke to a nurse at St. Timothy’s whose son was in vision therapy. That’s when I heard about Dr. Davis.

To be perfectly honest, Dr. Davis could have told me anything. My concern was my daughter’s eyes. With her history, no other options available, I took a leap of faith with Dr. Davis, and we are very happy with the results.

Vision therapy required several nights of homework and commitment: Christina argued about doing all the work but we made a point of doing it exactly as Dr. Davis had prescribed. After talking with another parent, I felt that the homework, along with the in-office visits, were the key to Christina’s success.

When Christina finished her end of therapy evaluation, she said she knew she was done because she had “rocked” all of the testing. She could see and tell the difference from her initial evaluation. Vision therapy has increased Christina’s self-confidence and self-esteem and made her reading and comprehension stronger.

Privacy Statement:

The above is an actual story from one of our clients. Minimal edits have been made for readability, and names have been changed to protect the privacy of the client. Dr. Davis cares deeply about the privacy of all of his clients, and all information in the above success story was volunteered by the client.