Numerous people at our church commented on how much Annie had “grown up” and “matured” over the summer. I never told any of them that she was in vision therapy, and was surprised to hear such. I had to laugh to myself because the only thing that we had changed over the summer was starting vision therapy for Annie.

We used to struggle to get our daughter to do homework. It was like a tug of war whenever she came home from school. Usually, all we could do is get her to rush through her homework right before she went to bed.

Within six sessions after Annie started with the therapy, I noticed that she was coming home less frustrated. Part of this was her having been prescribed with bifocals by Dr. Davis. Even more amazing was that when I asked about her homework, she said that she had completed the work at school during their free time. Huh? Is this the same kid?

Annie’s homework assignments used to look rushed and sloppy. After starting to see Dr. Davis, her handwriting has become much neater, and she is able to pay a lot more attention to her work.

Vision therapy has been one of the single most beneficial things we have done for our daughter. It has grounded her, calmed her, and allowed her world to open up.

Thank you Dr. Davis, for making such a wonderful difference in my daughter’s life!”

*Privacy Statement:
The above is an actual story from one of our clients. Minimal edits have been made for readability, and names have been changed to protect the privacy of the client. Dr. Davis cares deeply about the privacy of all of his clients, and all information in the above success story was volunteered by the client.