Tod R. Davis, OD, FOVDR

  • Dr. Tod R. Davis earned a Bachelor of Science, pre-med biology, University of Oregon, a Doctor of Optometry, Southern California College of Optometry, and a post-doctoral fellowship with the Gesell Institute of Child Development, Yale University. He continues his post-doctoral education with up to 50 classroom hours per year. He has lectured on visual processing disorders with a number of organizations including Society of European Optometry, Brussels, Belgium, National University, Irvine, CA., masters program in Special Education, and Loma Linda University, CA., masters program, School of PT. He regularly provides in-services to parent groups, educators, and other professionals. He is a member of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, the Optometric Extension Program, Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, the American Optometric Association and the Virginia Optometric Association

Specialty Expertise


Owner, Virginia Vision Therapy Centers, Inc. Developmental Vision, Neuro-Optometry, Low Vision


In-service provider to professionals, parent groups, and educators about visual processing, developmental vision-related issues and vision therapy. Up to 24 in-services per year.


Private practice 1991 Founding board member, Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Assoc (NORA)


Lecturer, Loma Linda University, School of Physical Therapy.
Lectured to masters program students on post-trauma vision difficulties, specifically from head injury and stroke.


Lecturer, National University, Irvine, CA.
Lectured to masters program students in Special Education on visual processing disorders.

Lecturer, Society of European Optometry, Brussels, Belgium.
Lectured throughout Europe on diagnosis and management of visual processing disorders.



Bachelor of Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. Full scholarship, Division 1 football


Doctor of Optometry, Southern California College of Optometry, Fullerton CA


Fellowship, Gesell Institute of Child Development, Yale University, New Haven, CT


  • Member of American Optometric Association,
  • Optometric Extension Program
  • Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association
  • Past Member of Toastmasters International.